When it comes to building an engaging company culture that retains top talent, it takes more than a break room filled with healthy snacks and weekly happy hours. Meaningful employee engagement starts at the top, and it is on management to ensure the rest of the team is following suit. It might be surprising to […]
Shelter-in-place orders and social distancing due to the coronavirus pandemic have changed how companies conduct business in many ways. Many organizations that relied on their brick-and-mortar offices and in-person meetings have needed to assume new systems and processes, all without degrading their team culture or creating logistical nightmares. For many businesses, this is also […]
When it comes to the job search, IT consultants are becoming more selective in regards to their job requirements. With IT talent in high demand, consultants have the upper hand. Organizations everywhere are vying for their skills and thinking outside of the box to win them over. The race for IT talent and pressure […]
In 2019, new technology jobs and IT opportunities are being created all the time, thanks in part to the growth of emerging innovations like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and automation. These new trends have led to a spike in demand for highly-skilled employees, and with a lingering talent shortage, the IT industry is a job […]
Although they have been a staple of the hiring process for quite some time, conducting phone interviews can be difficult to master. Most recruiters have a handful of tried and true interview questions to pull from, and these usually result in an effective conversation. But are these conversations really helping to determine if a candidate […]
Are you hiring IT talent in 2019? If so, understanding the current market will be critical to your success. Consider the following statistics when deciding your next move: IT unemployment stands at just 2.9 percent IT staffing revenue is on track to surpass $32 billion in 2019, doubling in market size since 2009. Cybersecurity professionals, […]