
Resource 1:1 with Rachel Wilkosz

by Resource 1 on May 4, 2023


Photo of Rachel Wilkcosz


At Resource 1, we are confident our team members are not only talented, but also exceptional humans. Through our Resource 1:1 interviews, we provide a glimpse into their lives and interests, within the workplace and beyond. In this edition, we introduce Rachel Wilkosz, Human Resources Assistant at Resource 1. Rachel is responsible for interfacing with all our consultants, supporting payroll, and assisting with recruitment—to name a few of her many responsibilities—and she always brings a human touch to everything she does.

What did you want to be when you grew up? sailboat on water at sunset

I’ve wanted to be a photographer since third grade. My dad got me my first DSLR camera at a pawn shop when I was 21, and landscape photography became my go-to. It’s always fun to capture mountains, beaches, sunsets, and pure life! I enjoy taking pictures in my free time.

How did you find yourself at Resource 1?

I met Anastasia Valentine when I was studying at Northern Illinois University. She was an alumna of my sorority, and we grew close when she returned to provide help and advice. Not long after I graduated, she invited me to chat about a new position. Six hours of interviews and one assignment later, I started my role and haven’t looked back. There are endless opportunities to use my talents across the organization here.

What do you love most about working for Resource 1?

I love getting to do something different every day! When I’m done with HR tasks, I can see what recruiters or the tech team need, or brainstorm creative ways to support the team. Plus, I always get to leave a creative touch in everything I do. It’s also nice to make my “office” my own—I work next to photographs of the beach, Lake Tahoe, and my sister every single day.

If you had a superpower, what would it be and how would you use it?

Teleportation. I would have saved four years of my life if I didn’t have to drive. I’d be four years younger!

If you could live anywhere, where would it be?

Sunset image and palm treeIn the U.S., California. I love the mountains, the desert, and the beach—and California has all of that! I’m also fascinated with Switzerland and could definitely live there for a period of time.

What’s the best piece of advice you have ever been given?

Take risks and make big changes. Every decision I make is a calculated risk. Also, be selfish and take up space. I’m still working on that.

What’s the most daring thing you’ve ever done?

I did a blind arrangement with roommates when I moved to the city—and it ended up perfect! Initially, I was only going to sublease for a month, but we fit so well together that they invited me to move in.

What could someone find you doing on a Saturday?

I just started a new routine! I wake up, go to the gym, and head to the store or a coffee shop. Then, I take a walk to the lake since I live downtown. When the weather is bad or I need a rest, I enjoy catching up on my favorite TV series, too.

What’s the last picture you took on your phone?

My roommates and I went to the lake and got popsicles when it was 80 degrees and sunny in Ch

Popsicles at the lake

icago. Each one perfectly reflected our different personalities. Mine is in the middle.

What is the best gift you’ve ever been given?

I remember being a kid and really wanting an electric pencil sharpener. I was an only child, so I got a Barbie Dreamhouse and drum set, but all I wanted was that pencil sharpener. I was so happy when I received it. I opened it first and started sharpening a bunch of pencils before opening anything else.

What would you do if you won the lottery?

I would start a scholarship for high school students who lost a parent. They could use it for college, and we’d have an event every year where the kids could share their parent’s legacy. I would also travel the world.

Rachel, we deeply enjoyed learning more about you as a person. Thank you for all your hard work at Resource 1!

Learn more about Rachel and get in touch with her here.